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Monsters and Myth

Resources for Mr. Kennedy's class, Fall 2024.


Welcome to the LibGuide for the course Monsters and Myth. On the left, you will find links to pages with resources for your research projects.

Remember to account for different versions of your myth. If necessary, acknowledge discrepancies between versions and sources while focusing on one primary telling.


 Helpful call numbers for print books:  

  • 200.3: This is the Dewey Decimal (DD) number for general information on religions of the world
  • 291.13: This DD number is especially helpful--it's the number for books on non-Christian world religions, especially from ancient times
  • 398.2: This is the general Dewey Decimal number for mythology and folklore.

Go browse any of these sections of our books! FYI, we've also set aside a select sampling of print books on display (see bookshelves in the library classroom space). You can also search the library catalog; we have access to ebooks and audiobooks, too, through Sora!

Alternate Spellings: 

If you're not finding information on your monster, there may be alternate spellings for it.  This is especially true for the Scandinavian monsters. For example:

  • Draugen are also known as Draugr or Draugalso Aptrganga or Aptrgangr 
  • Mare are also known as Mara, Mahr, Mahrt, Mart
  • Nokken are also known as Nykkjen or Nicker

To find alternate spellings, search the Internet using your monster's name and its primary quality (if you know that) as your search terms. For example, Mare + nightmares.

New Mythology Books in the Library

Egyptian Mythology

Women and Other Monsters

The Heroine with 1001 Faces

The United States of Cryptids

Monsters and Mythical Creatures from Around the World