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Sacred Heart Preparatory
AP US Government & Politics
Unit 3: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
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AP US Government & Politics: Unit 3: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government
Unit 3: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies & Beliefs
Unit 5: Political Participation
SCOTUS Docket (2021-2022 & 2022-2023)
Sharing Stories
Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart
Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart
Chicago Citations
Chicago Manual of Style : Citations Quick Guide
Chicago Manual of Style : Citing Legal Sources Guide
Chicago Manual of Style: FAQ
3.1: Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights from the National Constitution Center
Scanning students' rooms during remote tests is unconstitutional, judge rules
3.2: First Amendment: Freedom of Religion
Divided court allows indoor worship services to resume in California
February 2021 SCOTUS case on the closing of churches in California due to Covid-19
Public schools receive ‘In God We Trust’ poster donations as new Texas law requires their display
Vaccine Resisters Seek Religious Exemptions. But What Counts as Religious?
Pew Research Report: Religion and Politics
Church and State: Is Jefferson’s Wall of Separation Eroding
Supreme Court weighs religious accommodation for Christian postal worker
3.3: First Amendment: Freedom of Speech
Categories of Speech
Know Your Rights with Freedom of Speech and Social Media
"The First Amendment is meant to keep the government from restricting free speech, not private companies."
Free Speech on Campus: Are Legislators and Activists Curbing Free Expression
3.4: First Amendment: Freedom of the Press
Prior Restraint
After Fox Settlement, Assault on Media Protections Is Likely to Continue
3.5: Second Amendment: Right to Bear Arms
Key facts about Americans and guns
Pew September 2021
More Perfect Podcast: The Gun Show
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen
Link includes amicus briefs
Right to Bear Arms (Interactive Constitution)
3.6: Amendments: Balancing Individual Freedom with Public Order & Safety
More Perfect Podcast: American Pendulum I
This podcast is about the Korematsu SCOTUS case
Native American Rights
'Our ancestors' dreams come true': Deb Haaland could become the nation's most powerful Native American leader
Cherokee Nation Names First Delegate To Congress
Cinnamon Spear Kills First
Honor the Earth Water Protectors
Podcast: This Land
Sogorea Te' Land Trust
Asian American Rights
The Asian American Response to Black Lives Matter Is Part of a Long, Complicated History
Lisa Ling’s CNN series ‘This Is Life’ explores painful historic moments. One is personal
Asian American groups rally for racial and social equality
'The fear is very real': how Asian Americans are fighting rising hate crime; As the fastest growing racial or ethnic group in the US, Asian Americans are finally in a position to do more than stock up on pepper spray and hope for the best
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
The Complicated Myth of Outside Agitators
The Long History of the ‘Outside Agitator’
Martin Luther King, Jr. Research Institute at Stanford
3.7: Selective Incorporation
14th Amendment Cases
Incorporation Doctrine (ABC-Clio)
Video on Selective Incorporation from Khan Academy
3.8: Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused
Gideon v. Wainwright (from Oyez)
3.9: Amendments: Due Process & the Right to Privacy
Biden drops Trump’s antiabortion ‘global gag rule.’ Here’s what that means for abortion access worldwide.
Here’s What the Texas Abortion Law Says (from NY Times
September 2021
Privacy from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned
Majority of Public Disapproves of Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Roe v. Wade
State Legislation Tracker: Major Developments in Sexual & Reproductive Health
3.10: Social Movements & Equal Protection
ACLU, Transgender Boy Sue Tennessee Over Anti-Trans Sports Law
November 2021
ADA News Coverage
Disability rights
Bayard Rustin, gay civil rights icon, pardoned by California governor for anti-gay charges
Pardoned in February 2020, civil rights & LGBTQ+ rights
Black Catholic women like Amanda Gorman are forgotten prophets of American democracy
Cesar Chavez: Commonwealth Club Address
United Farm Workers movement
Civil Rights Pioneer Bayard Rustin
Civil rights & LGBTQ+ rights
Jennifer Keelan & the Capitol Crawl
Disability rights
Reconstituting the Future: An Equality Amendment
A new ERA proposed by Catharine A. MacKinnon and Kimberle W. Crenshaw (women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, civil rights)
The State of State Equal Rights Amendments: A National Roundup
Throughline Podcast: A.D.A. Now!
Disability rights
The Very Queer History of the Suffrage Movement
by Professor Wendy Rouse, women's rights, civil rights & LGBTQ+ rights
Pew Research: How Americans view policy proposals on transgender and gender identity issues, and where such policies exist
3.11: Government Responses to Social Movements
"No Promo Homo" Laws from GLSEN
Abortion is now banned in these states. See where laws have changed.
Equal Rights Amendment
FAIR Education Act (California)
Federal judge says Texas governor’s ban on school mask mandates violates Americans with Disabilities Act
Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Affirms Native American Rights in Oklahoma
Who is Pauli Murray? From Pauli Murray Center
How much say does a governor have over the classroom?
Teaching About Racism: Should Concepts of Critical Race Theory Be part of Classroom Instruction
3.12: Balancing Minority & Majority Rights
Abortion is now banned in these states. See where laws have changed.
Balancing minority and majority rights from Khan Academy
3.13: Affirmative Action
Group that sued Harvard asks Supreme Court to end use of race in college admissions
Justice Department accuses Yale of illegal bias against White, Asian American applicants in admissions
More Perfect Podcast: The Architect
Podcast about affirmative action
Most Americans say colleges should not consider race or ethnicity in admissions
Prop. 16 failed in California. Why? And what’s next?
Affirmative action proposition on the California ballot in 2020
Latinx Rights
Ana Castillo
A Latinx Resource Guide
San Antonio v. Rodriguez
Speeches of Dolores Huerta
labor rights, women's rights, children's rights, farm worker's rights
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies & Beliefs >>