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Sacred Heart Sacred Spaces: RSCJ Biographies

Leonora Mejia - El Salvador - 1892-1992

Mother: Gertrudes Guirola de Mejia
Father: Encarnacion Mejia

Leonore Mejia came to Convent of the Sacred Heart, Menlo (now SHS, Atherton) in 1913 and surprised society by entering the RSCJ. She came from a prominent family in San Francisco, where her father was the Consul from El Salvador. Sister Mejia earned a BA and MA from Fordham University while she was a Novitiate in Albany, NY and a PhD from Stanford after returning to California.  She eventually became the first President of the San Francisco College for Women, an RSCJ college which is now the University of San Francisco. 

Margaret Robinson

Sister Margeret Robinson came to Convent of the Sacred Heart, Menlo as a boarder when she was 9 years old. At the time, half of the students boarded at the school and the other half were from local families.  Grades ranged from kindergarten to 4 years of college. Margeret's aunt was one of the RSCJs running the school at the time.  Sister Robinson boarded at the Sacred Heart until graduating, then went on the graduate from Lone Mountain, San Francisco, where the Sacred Heart college had relocated. After attending the University of Nevada for a teaching certificate, she taught in a country schoolhouse until she joined the RSCJ order at age 26. She taught at both Sacred Heart, San Francisco and Sacred Heart, Atherton and was a beloved first grade teacher when she retired well into her 80s.