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AP Comparative Government: Political/Economic Changes and Development (5)

5.1 Impact of Global Economic and Technological Forces

Economic globalization has expanded connections among workers, goods and capital in regimes throughout the world. The IMF, the World Bank and the WTO promote economic liberalization which at times has led to protests against neoliberalism. Multinational corporations have significant power over global markets and can come into conflict with labor, the environment, lands rights and tax policies.

5.2 Political Responses to Global Market Forces

The six different regimes offer varying amounts of privatization over natural resources including oil and natural gas.

5.4 Policies of Economic Liberalization

Economic liberalization takes place when there is a reduction in the role of the state in managing the economy. Privatization increases, tariffs are reduced and the economy is opened to foreign direct investment.

5.5 International and Supranational Organizations

The College Board considers the EU, the WTO and ECOWAS supranational organizations. The IMF and the World Bank are considered international organizations.

5.6 Adaptation of Social Policies

5.7 Impact of Industrialization and Economic Development

Explain how economic development and rapid change have caused significant changes to governmental policies. Topics include environmental regulation and infrastructure development.

5.8 Causes and Effects of Demographic Change

Explain political reasons for and consequences of changes in demographics such as China's move from agriculture to industry, NAFTA, educated professionals leaving Iran and Nigeria and migration into the UK.

5.9 Impact of Natural Resources

Understand how natural resources impact political and economic development. Examples include Pemex, Nigerian oil companies and Putin's energy policies that have led to concentration of wealth.